Rabu, 01 April 2015

Bingsoo Malang : Segarnya Es Serut Kacang Merah ala Korea

Welcome to Bingsoo Malang

Retro style inside

Here this the menus...

Pop Chicken

French Fries

Chicken 'n Rice Blackpepper

Sunkist Hwachae

And here this the Queen....PATBINGSOO!

Watermelon, Kiwi, Manggo, Marshmallow, Grape, etc. with Strawberry Ice Cream

Nama tempat makan : Bingsoo
Alamat : Jalan Bendungan Sutami No 74 Malang (deretan ruko Maestro)
Range harga : 5K - 18K
Kelebihan : Tempat nyaman, pelayanan ga terlalu lama, lantai 2 asik buat ngumpul, rasa top!
Kekurangan : Belum nemu

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